Puzzle and dragons holy dragon

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Seraphis himself is fairly useless until you acquire his parts to form Orpharion (reportedly from random Machine enemies in non-Seraphis descends) but once you do he’s easily one of the best farmable leaders in the game, what with his amazing awakenings, absurd 1050 weighed stat total, and 9x ATK/1.5x RCV leader skill.

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This is a really interesting descend in that in a lot of ways it’s not that difficult (none of the floors are really difficult to stall on or anything, and none of them are immediately threatening) but despite that it somehow ends up being a fairly challenging descend to clear anyway. Ultimately I went back to Yomidra and only lost one run in seven attempts (and that death wasn’t even to Kakkab lol). Fun fact: I got my first clear blindly with Yomidra, then failed multiple times with various teams because I wanted to avoid Kakkab’s light absorb.